2020 Annual Report

Ormiston Parish Church


Every year the congregation has to complete an annual report for the Scottish Charity Regulator. The following excerpts are from the report for 2020



Objectives and Activities for year ending on 31st December 2020


Objectives and Activities


The Church of Scotland is Trinitarian in doctrine, reformed in tradition and Presbyterian in polity.  It exists to glorify God and to work for the advancement of Christ's Kingdom throughout the world.  As a national Church, it acknowledges a distinctive call and duty to bring the ordinances of religion to the people in every parish of Scotland through a territorial ministry. It co-operates with other Churches in various ecumenical bodies in Scotland and beyond.

Particular activities include:

  • Public worship every Sunday morning and a monthly evening service with additional services at Christmas and Easter.
  • Celebration of Communion at Easter and on the first Sunday of February, June, September and December.
  • Bible study and prayer group meetings.
  • Youth activities through Sunday Club and Youth Group.
  • Guild meetings which are held once a fortnight.
  • Working in partnership with the local primary and secondary schools.
  • Various social events during the year.
  • Inviting visiting speakers to bring information about missionary activities overseas.
  • Weddings, funerals and other events marking significant occasions in the life of the community.
  • Pastoral care – visiting the sick, bereaved, housebound and in hospital.


Achievements and Performance


The COVID19 pandemic and the subsequent imposed restrictions made for a challenging year.  This was a challenge we embraced so we could strive to meet our stated “Objectives and Activities” This required that in many instances way had to adopt new ways and means of delivery.

  • A monthly evening service was held in February.
  • When the church building was closed under government legislation arrangements were made to provide a weekly time for worship using the medium Zoom.
  • This provided opportunity for the congregation, albeit virtually, to worship together as a church.
  • The resourcefulness of the congregation was encouraging such that large numbers of them, many without technical knowledge or experience, found means to participate.
  • The further challenge of maintaining contact with those able to join in with virtual worship was addressed through telephonic communication or in person if and where the physical distancing constraints allowed.
  • When government legislation permitted and under C of S guidance, procedures were drawn up and arrangements put in place to enable the church building to safely reopen for private prayer and then worship.  Virtual devotions continued for those not yet ready for church.
  • In December, a Candlelit Carol Service was held in the church.       
  • During Advent, a virtual joint Memorial Service was held for the bereaved.
  • The Sunday Evening Youth Group continued meeting on Zoom until into summer months.
  • Weekly Congregational Prayers and Bible Study continued throughout the year on Zoom.
  • Kirk Session, Congregational Board and some useful Presbytery webinars were also held using Zoom.
  • In August, in conjunction with Scripture Union, activity packs were delivered to children who had previously attended either Fun Days or Holiday Clubs.
  • The restrictions on meeting up impacted greatly on pastoral visitations, however it was still possible continue the long-established practice of sending cards of comfort to the sick and bereaved.  Usually well received and even more important at this difficult time.
  • During the first lockdown cards of comfort were sent to all those living on their own.  Cards were also sent to all residents of the local nursing home and the staff.
  • Cards of thanksgiving and encouragement were also sent to organisations and businesses, in the local community, for their sterling work and support.
  • Although the usual fund-raising activities were not possible, we were blessed by the congregation’s response to the two Gift Days held over the year.
  • A Guild led project that engaged with the local community culminated with the delivery of Christmas bags to the vulnerable.
  • Three editions of the Kirk News were produced and distributed to members over the year and continues to be an important vehicle to inform the wider congregation on church news.
  • Social media continued to be used in keeping the local community informed of church news.
  • Contact with our twinning partner in Todey , North East India was maintained by use of  “WhatsApp”.
  • OPC continued with the coordination of the local community’s response to the “Christmas Child” Shoe Box Appeal.
  • The church building, when restrictions allowed, was used by a local under-12 dance class. 
  • Broadband has been installed in the church.